Sales Company Established in India

In December 2007, Skan Sales and Services Pvt. Ltd. concluded a distributor agreement with Nichiyu Asia Pte. Ltd. This new company was established in 2007 as a subsidiary of Skan Marine Pvt. ltd., which had been selling Nichiyu products several years earlier. Skan Sales and Services will now sell and service Nichiyu products...

Asian Dealers Hold Meeting

On 5th November, 2007, a meeting of dealers from the Asian Region was held in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme of this gathering was “A Quantum Leap Toward 2008.” Representatives from each of the various participating countries held discussions and delivered presentations on policies for 2008 in order to achieve the regional targets...

Nichiyu Commemorates Its 70th Anniversary.

Established in 1937, Nippon Yusoki Co., Ltd. commemorated its 70th Anniversary this year. A commemorative ceremony was held at a hotel in Kyoto City. The ceremony was attended by about 900 people, including employees from the Kyoto Head Office and Shiga Plant, former corporate officers, and various associates. Following a review of the...

Business Report and Overseas Subsidiaries Meeting in Malaysia

Nichiyu held its Business Report Meeting on Overseas Subsidiaries on Sunday, May 20, 2007, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The purposes of this meeting were to discuss the performances of overseas subsidiaries for the first half of fiscal 2007 and to gauge prospects for the latter half. This marked the first time this event...